Stockfisch Records

I cried when I started listening to my new Stockfisch LP's that arrived a few hours ago. The quality is unbelievable! Is it possible for vinyl to sound so good? I am dumbstruck...
It is like my system got a facelift!

Is there other Stockfisch users out there?

Now Playing David Roth's "Pearl River" Stockfisch LP...Wow! I agree it is stunningly good.My jaw dropped ;-) Wish my whole collection could sound this good.

Unfortunately, my Classic Records 200g "Verve" of Diana Krall latest arrived and looks and sounds like crap..Vinyl has noisy grooves and dirt and fingerprints (new record!) that wont totally come clean even after repeated washes on the VPI 16.5..Back to Elusive Disc it goes!
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Their DMM-CD/SACD recordings are just amazing! They record direct to cutting lathe, and then use the lathe itself to playback directly to DSD. Highly recommended...

You can view the process here:


Beautifully recorded is one thing. Beautiful music is another. Personally, I do not listen to music just because it sounds good. My "Audiophile Record as a performance enhancer" days are over. Occasionally, you get really lucky and get both a great recording and performance. Tower of Power Direct on Sheffield Records is an example.