Fist Watt F6 vs Pass Labs XA 25

I’m thinking about an upgrade regarding my power amp which is a First Watt F6 dual mono (source: LAB 12 Dac 1 Reference, "speakers": Abyss 1266 PHI TC, preamp: Dave Slagle Autoformer).

I can’t say I wouldn’t be satisfied with this configuration but I’d like to try something even more engaging.

For the moment I’m intrigued by the XA 25 but never had the chance to give it a try in my system. 

Most of the reviews just compare the F7 to the XA 25 but I would be happy to hear experiences from users who had F6 and XA 25 side by side.

Is it worth an upgrade and which exact differences could I expect sonically?



I don't have the XA 25 but I do have the 30.8, the F6 and the J2.  I like them all I think the F6 has the most delicate sound.  The 30.8 sounds like it's 3X as powerful as either of the first watts but maybe a little more harshness to the sound but much bigger sound and more bass.  They each have their own flavor and it depends a lot on the speakers that are being used.  I can get good volume out of the super power hungry Maggie LRS with the 30.8.  The F6 and J2 can't hang with the LRS.  with something way more efficient I like the sound of the F6 better and for that matter I far prefer the Decware Zen triode 2 watt amp to any of these with super efficient speakers.  

@ejlif  I am in the process of building in F6 amp, what speakers do you think sounds best with it? Or perhaps I should ask what have you had the chance to use with yours?

I have used the F6 with only Klipsch.  The forte III, Cornwall IV and vintage la scala.  I like it best with La Scala, those are the most efficient of the bunch and the F6 has plenty of power for those speakers. I feel like it's not the most ballsy of amps but is very smooth and even tubelike compared to the J2 or 30.8.  The F6 is a sweet amp just not the most powerful sounding but for the right music and the right system and room size it could be just right.