Tube Integrated vs Tube Seperates

I’m looking into buying a tube setup.  Thinking it will be Primaluna because I find tube amps a bit intimidating and I will be putting lots of hours on it. Because these factors Primaluna seems like at least a good place to start for me. Thanks to all who gave me there impressions in my previous post about Primaluna.  Anyway, looking for people’s take on tube integrated vs tube seperates. Really what I’m looking for in the move is more holographic soundstage, bloom, air, and an over all more lifelike presentation. Will I get more of these qualities by going Dialogue preamp into Dialogue amp, or with the Dialogue HP integrated, or will it be very similar?  Any thoughts are much appreciated 


Think I am going to pick up a Primaluna Dialogue preamp and power amp. The seller has a set of kt150s as well as el34s, and kt88s. I’m going to buy at least the el34s and kt150s. He is also local so he said I could bring my speakers and make sure the amp can drive them sufficiently. That I’m super grateful for. Pretty excited to hear my first full tube setup.  Hopefully it’s all that I’m hoping it will be. 


How about the PL preamp with some Kinki Sudio mono blocks. The KS are $3500 for the pair. You get tube sound with great power and all separate. Short speaker runs are better. 
rogue has some great stuff like the RH-5 preamp and maybe a DragoN amp. Again, best of all worlds because the amp is a hybrid tech and you can run all this on XLR interconnects. Nice option for a decent phono stage built in if you need one. 


"Separates will be quieter and better in most cases." and why would that be the case? less interconnects with intergated hardware, less circuit less everything....

@canibefrank  The most weakness of the integragted amplifier is that the pre and power inside used the some electric source, and then splite energy inside,so the  pre affect the power, and power affect the pre, which suppose to be independent.

Pre has very important job to do and the job is quite different from amplifier. 

The name pre is not suitable at all, it is called  magnifier. so the siginal from the CD or streamer should first go magnify and then amplify and then go to speaker.

That is the procedure, but in  integrated, they merge the step 1 and step 2 into one step. That is the reason.