Hi I've just sold item via Escrow first time...

...and have lots of questions on how things will be getting through.

TBH, I would really appreciate the additional topic of discussions from this site, but I feel like it's too much to ask for this inexperienced and amateur development crew.

Anyways, if anyone sold items via escrow, please tell how things will be worked around.



I sold 4 items last year and used Audiogon's Escrow option thru Escrow.com. Other than some buyers being reluctant to use this new form of payment, everything went as planned. Overall I think the process protects both buyer and seller much more than PayPal and will use them in the future.

BTW, the advice to go to the website without a link is excellent. You simply can't be too careful with all the scammers about...



I would like to know more, because It's not clear on how to set it up. On the buyer's end something is not right as well. It needs lots of further research on how to set it up on both ends.

I don't recall that it was anything unusual about selecting Escrow.com as the payment method and then signing up for a Escrow.com account. The only issue was that any buyer also had to set up an account with Escrow.com and send the money thru them. Anyone that has previously set up a PayPal account or an online account with a bank should not have any issue with following the instructions. 

Is there anything specific that has you confused or concerned?

Feel free to PM me.