Don’t want to freak you out…

You know, after reading endless posts about this and that…

I'd like you to turn on your system on and put your fingers behind your upper ear lobes and bring them forward an 1/8th of an inch or so …

Maybe what you have really been looking for all of these years are differently shaped ears?


Sorry, but this thread kind of shocks me. Of course, cupping your hands behind your ears will enhance your hearing of sounds directly in front of you; all of these products merely replicate that age-old trick in a hands-free way. Great for eavesdropping on conversations across the room, or for making out dialog on TV if you have old ears and brain and have come to that point where it's difficult to filter the signal from the noise. But for stereo listening? Are you kidding?! I've read many sales pitches for devices that claim to enhance the soundstage which suggest you try cupping your hands behind your ears in order to see what product X (an amplifier, an omnidirectional speaker, a channel crossfeed headphone processing circuit) is intended to cure! Note that the "Earglasses" product advertises as one of its virtues that it "blocks noises that come from your side or your back." You DO NOT WANT TO DO THIS if you want to enjoy the illusion of instrumental placement, soundstage width and depth, "air" around instruments, and even accurately perceived instrumental timbre.

@william53b -

      "You know you haven’t been to a site in a while when, all of a sudden, there are images. When did this happen?"

     The posting of pics is a recent AudiogoN enhancement.

     If you have a pic or gif, online w/a url: enter that link and either should appear, when previewed or posted.

     There’s also a pic choice in the functions bar, above.

     Thus far: I haven’t gotten that to work, on my laptop.   I’m missing something, apparently!

                         Have fun and happy listening!


Yeah, you do want to block certain noises from the side and the back if your in an imperfect room. You’re just not reading the posts here, you’re not getting it.

Your response indicates that you have not read any of the posts, and is an auto-knee jerk bleat.

Science up.