Stand Mount Speakers

It seems like there is an endless amount of options these days, some good and some not so good. I've been using a very clean set of B&W 602 S3 speakers for quite some time. Great when the volume is up, but not so great at the low end. I'm in a 1300 sq ft condo now and the main room is about 800 sq ft. Current equipment is as follows:

Emotiva XMC-1 Processor Emotiva BasX 5 channel amp Emotiva Airmotiv 8 Sub Thorens TD 145          Mac Mini Apple TV

I listen to a lot of vinyl, multiple genres and stream some music and movies.

I'm looking for bookshelf/stand-mount speakers. Was leaning toward the Focal Aria K2 906 or the Dynaudio Evoke 20. Other recommendations are greatly appreciated.



Don't hear too much about them and they are in few conversations. I am rather puzzled because they are some of the best stand mounts I've heard and they are the Proac D2s or D2r's

Are you not using your sub for 2 channel playback?

Your issue is pretty standard for any speaker at low volume because our hearing is much less sensitive to low frequencies. As the volume increases our ability to hear bass also increases, hence the, it's sounds better when it's louder, but even at 110 dB 40 hz will sound 12 dB quieter to us than 1K hz, and at 80 dB 40 hz will seem almost 20 dB quieter. So the lower the volume you are listening at, the louder you should be running your sub in relation to your B & W's 

I should have been clearer. Yes, I am using the sub for music. I ended up purchasing the Dynaudio Evoke 20 speakers. Couldn't be more pleased. Clarity and sharpness are so much better than the B&W speakers I had.