Don’t want to freak you out…

You know, after reading endless posts about this and that…

I'd like you to turn on your system on and put your fingers behind your upper ear lobes and bring them forward an 1/8th of an inch or so …

Maybe what you have really been looking for all of these years are differently shaped ears?


Possibly but passiveness may preclude passion.

I wonder if Vulcans’ protuberances permit the perception of pianissimos with full emotive content ?

Put headphones on behind the ear. You will be amazed. I have hearing lose and wear hearing aids but fortunately for me, my roommate in college is one of the best ear doctors in the country. The hearing aids are state of the art and highly customizable so music is still with me.

On occasion when I don't feel like wearing the aids I put the headphones on behind my ears and the results are fantastic. Also have hands free for cocktails.

@dweller -

          "What? No earrings?" (maybe: $9.99 and up, depending on stones)

     How about: Immersive Crystalline Regalia Aural Augmentation Pod Tuning (ICRAAPT) for $2999.99 and up, depending on MY stones?

                        btw: A firm discount, if that's you in your avatar!