The New Synergistic Research Purple Fuses

This thread is intended for those who are actually using the new SR Purple Fuses. In my system, they are a significant improvement over the SR Orange fuses. What are your impressions? 



If this is the case why do you include information that comes with your fuse telling you the current should flow left to right as you view the fuse from the S to R? If it’s just a lottery.

I have 4 fuses in each of my pre and power amps. It’s pretty ridiculous to expect someone to try each fuse in both directions each time you fit a single fuse in terms of time consumption (fitting and testing) whilst trying to mitigate expectation basis. Particularly as the difference between a fuse one way and the other is not night and day but relatively subtle in my experience with all audio fuses I've used (AMR, SR, Black, Blue and Orange)

@clifton below is what our website actually says regarding how to place Purple fuses for best performance.

Note:  If you are switching from an Orange fuse to a Purple fuse, start by inserting the Purple fuse in the same direction as the Orange fuse being replaced.  If the Purple fuse is not an immediate improvement, flip the Purple fuse in the alternate direction.



Just finished listening to Prokofiev’s 3rd Piano Concerto with Martha Argerich, Claudio Abbado and the Berlin Philharmonic. A great performance of great music!


With fully broken in SR purple fuses in my CD transport, DAC and amp, it was definitely closer to being in the room than I have experienced before, with my system. This is also true with other music I’ve listened to yesterday and today; Altan’s The Gap Of Dreams, Mile’s Davis' Kind of Blue, and some of my favorite songs by The Cure, for example. Isn’t that what this hobby is all about?


I am really happy with what these fuses bring. IMO, in my system, they are a great value for the money.


I just changed Purple fuse into my PS Audio BHK Preamp and the sound opened, it was a huge improvement. Other 2 Purple fuses are on the way for PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamp  and PerfectWave Transport SACD.

Just one question Ted: why you do not produce 3A value rate fuses?

5x20 mm slow blow series comes only in 2.5A or 3.15A, not a 3A model available from any European dealer.

PS Audio engineer team in Colorado - I already asked them = said that I ABSOLUTELY MUST follow this spec for fuses in my PowerPlant P12 regenerators, only 3A value rate fuses, nothing else nor 3.15A neither 2.5A. It’s the EU schuko version of PSAudio P12, not the US model.

so I cannot use your Purple fuses right into the component which has the best performance in sound quality due to rolling fuses, and especially from your Purple fuses as reported from a lot of forum members here and folks of PS Audio forum.

thank you for your reply and if custom fuses would be available I’d immediately  buy them for sure directly from your factory. I love them after experienced how great they improve SQ in my system, congrats Ted.


happy new year (we all hope!) 


