Schiit Bifrost 2 question?

Hello all,

I have been searching but haven't been able to find the answer so I thought that I'd ask here.

Does anyone know the fuse size of the Schiit Bifrost 2? I opened up the unit but it wasn't printed on the fuse. (I know that this would void the warranty)

Does anyone have any experience with good fuses for the Bifrost 2?


Thanks in advance!



I haven't played with the fuses on the Bifrost. but installing great cables really improved performance.

Regards - Steve

Thanks @williewonka! Yeah, I have some good cables on there and it's definitely made a big leap. I'm using Chord Clearway's for RCA, Shunyata Venom S/PIDF, and a Synergistic Research Master Coupler for power. 👍

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