Gallo 3.5 or Martin Logan Ethos?

I am in the market for a new set of speakers and have been considering the Martin Logan Ethos (used, would also consider the Vantage or the Spire). I have not heard the Ethos but I have heard the Spire, Vantage and the Theos (similar to the Ethos). I really like the wall to wall soundstage that the Logan's create. My only hesitation is that the "sweet spot" is somewhat limited. I have read that the Gallo's have an ESL "like" presentation with a wide sweet spot. Has anyone compared the 2 directly?

How would you describe the pros and cons of each?

I am coming from Klipsch RF-7s for a frame of reference.
We had a brief discussion on the use of the Gallo SA Amp in the following thread (starting on page 97):

For more detailed information on the Ref 3.5 and its development see the 6 Moons archive of reviews.

I own the Ref 3.5. I never heard a Martin Logan model.
Thanks for the response on the SA amp. I also have read good things about the VR-33 in this same price point. They also have a wide sweet spot.
The Vantage and the Gallo are my 2 choices. Like the Vantage but have never heard Gallo. Anyone hear both? Or at least gallo and Logan's in general?
I haven't heard the Gallo but I like the Ethos a lot. Big soundstage, very open, transparent and musical. Not analytical. The Gallo would have to be a really good speaker to keep up with the Ethos.
Some people like the metallic transparency of electrostatic speakers, and some don't. Martins are not the best example of them either, but they can be had at reasonable prices on the used market.

Do you already have in mind to get one of these 2 speakers, or are you open to other offerings, because for the same money, there are other attractive buys...

Paradigm studio, Ushers, for example...

If I were you, I would audition more speakers and take your time in choosing speakers in this price range...There are some exciting ones out there...