Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 I2S pin definition

After reading up on the 3 recent threads discussing how fantastic the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 is, I am going to purchase one. I am curious if anyone knows its I2S pin definition?

Thanks for any information!



"Birds of a feather (be)bop together." 😎

"Jazz brings me such joy. Am happy going forward trading recommendations with you."




Presently it will be a MHDT Orchid, modified by Grannyring. I'm considering the upcoming Mojo Mystique X among other possibilities.


Thanks,  I  believe that you're going to be very happy with your decision. I know that @grannyring did an excellent modification job for you. The Pro-Ject will exploit the full potential of his work.😊


I2s is fine I had transport coax into chord qutest then changed dac to project and used i2s. To be fair very similar sound although project dac sound better iS2 compared to coax