Best Transport with Museatex Bitstream DAC

I am looking for advice on what transport works best with the Museatex Bitstream DAC. Please, I am not looking for transport advice but simply advice from users of this DAC who have had some experience with various transports. Also, if you have a digital cable preference with a particular combination, please post that information also.

Happy Listening.
I have two bistreams now, one was just modified and I am letting it break in. Will compare them this weekend.
I just purchased a Museatex Bitstream DAC .Seems like you have two and one has been modified by John Wright. I haven't received it yet and it should be here next week....nice Christmas gift must say! It is unmodified and maybe this will be enough for me I am not sure until I play with it a little. I understand John uses Black Gates. Are there any other caps that John uses? As you can tell I am excited. I have over 3000 discs and I want to get the best out of them . I tried on a few other occasions to purchase a Museatex and the units were SOLD before I could buy them . Really I feel like I hit the Lotto jackpot. Thanks!!!!!!!

I have both a Bitstream and a Bidat DAC, both modified my John. I strongly suggest that you send it off to John and have him work his magic on it. His modifications and improvements get better every year. You will be very happy!
The Wright mods are a must. I've owned both the bitstream and the bidat and the mods put both units in world-class territory. I also second the Moray James digital interconnect recommendation. I think the cable is equal to the mods because moray's design is part of the mod process.

I have used a CEC belt transport with the bitstream to very good effect.
I have a Bitstream tha was updated by John several years ago and will be receiving another Bitream Data II that was just updated by John so I will be able to hear the differences between them. Lucky me? I tired an older Morey James digital cable but never felt it was that big a deal and sold it to a buddy of mine so I have access to it any time I want. I am not sure what year or model it was so maybe the newer versions are better. Anyone want to send me one to hear?

I used to use a CEC TL-2X as a transport and it worked very well together. I use an APL HiFi modified Sony X707ES now. Both do something the other cannot do. The CEC more relaxed sounding while the Sony is more dynamic. Preferences.

Happy Listening.