Meridian G08 CD Player Problems

My Meridian G-08 CD player has developed two problems: 1. When the CD drawer opens and closes, the door makes a loud pitched squeeking noise, and 2. After the CD is loaded (and the door closed), there is a loud clicking noise coming from the drive mechanism as the CD is spinning. The CD plays OK, but the clicking noise continues the whole time the CD is spinning.

Has anyone else seen these problems with the G-08? My unit is lesss than two years old (still withing warranty).
Ag insider logo xs@2xcjlundgren
Send her back, afterwards then sell it.
My Cayin17 approaching 2 yrs, no glitches.
cdp's are notorious for having glitches.
I have the latest 800 and a friend of mine has a 808, the both give the same click after they read a disc. That is just normal.
Meridian is great when you have a problem. If you bought it from a rep store they will take care of you. Playing with a new G08 no such noise. Make sure your disc is sitting flat in the tray. Had one once in another player make the clinking noise then I reset the disc it was fine.