JTR Speakers, why so much?

I keep hearing great things about these speakers and every time I got to look at the website I'm reminded of just how ridiculously expensive they are for what you get.  Does anyone have experience with these and can somebody explain why the hell somebody would pay that much money for a speaker that looks like the red headed step child of a JBL concert speaker? 


Ya know speakers are like dancers, not so much as what they look like, but more what they can do. The point being I’ve seen some might homely dancers that could really really dance. Like the homely dancer, some UGLY speakers sure sound good. Beauty may only be skin deep, but UGLY in to the bone.. Lipstick works put a Tu Tu on the speaker. Fancy dress should do it.

Tweak # 491, "How to dress up ugly speakers". Think outside the box.. :-)

JBL Everest.. They don’t give those away ya know..

2-6K not to bad for your ugly ducks.

Wilsons 20K - 900K +. Have you looked at a Wilson? Pretty Dr. Who (ish) with a touch of Battlestar Galactica.



They do look rather pedestrian; i.e. pro drivers mounted in a generic black enclosure. Not the most inspiring design. Is their sound deserving of the price is the question. As to the pricing, it's not as outrageous as I was expecting. I was anticipating five or six digit values. Given the insane markups on speakers if the same drivers were in a finely machined enclosure the cost would quadruple, with no added benefit to the sound.

I own tektons........so I understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Starting at $6k for a monitor that looks to be as simple as they come is what I don't understand, never mind the $9k pair that's the same setup but with just bigger woofers.  

Because some people will spend that much. 

that’s it!


  I have some Large Lego blocks, they have a half circle which,will keep your cables off the ground, I will sand them smooth, paint, and for the low, low price of only 299.95, they can be yours.

if you didn’t know about the lego part, and you wanted some cable lifters, and are willing to spend 300$ on a few Lego arch prices, you would spend it…….


perceived value to the customer…………