Looking for a few Local Audiophiles in Monmouth County to Listen to Music

Thought this might be worth posting.
It's always better to share an evening of good music and 2 local like minded audiophile friends and I have started doing so for the past few months.
We thought it'd be good to gather a few more people.
We're middle aged men that enjoy all types of music, we rotate hosting / listening to music and usually have light food around 6 pm - nothing extravagant. We're looking to share this with a few other local audiophiles / individuals :-)
Not only do we appreciate each others systems, we share well recorded music and new artists.
Male or female isn't significant - all good people are welcome!
We appreciate and enjoy music, share experiences and exchange ideas.
Yes - Monmouth County, New Jersey. Immediately after posting I realized I left out "New Jersey" and tried to edit the post but the title isn’t able to be edited.
In hindsight, I should have made a follow up post stating Monmouth County, NJ.
Regarding the NJ Audio Society - I was a member for several years. It’s a great group and I miss and wish Russ Prince well (exceptional individual who did so much for the club before retiring south). And I still keep in touch with several members.
While the club is terrific, it’s not local - and I wasn’t able to get a few guys together easily (if at all). But I wasn’t very active and rarely attending meetings. While I enjoyed and have great memories of every single meeting I attended - it usually took most, if not all of the day.
I’m reaching out to local individuals so getting together for a few hours is convenient and can compliment instead of being the major portion of one’s day.
Thanks for the feedback everyone :-)
Interesting and timely - we are about to open a listening room in Morris County NJ.  We will be inviting audio clubs and individuals to come an listen.

The Listening Room will be open most days and nights.

PM me and I will fill you in.

I'm in Monmouth County (Ocean Township) and would be interested in a get-together.  You can PM me if you like.
