For B&Wers: How would 803 D2’s compare to Nautilus 802’s?

I have a pair of 803 D2’s and have another thread about comparing them to Spendor 9.2’s. That upgrade is going to cost me another $3K after I sell my speakers. 
I came across a pair of Nautilus 802’s that would be more of a even cash exchange for me. I demoed them but they weren’t set up and the amp was underpowered. The room wasn’t the best acoustically either. So, walked away underwhelmed. However, I have the components to properly handle them. I’m curious what people who know these two speakers think about this deal. Would it be a lateral move going back to older Nautilus design? 

My 803 D2’s are fine but wish I had a little more bottom end and detail so that’s why I’m looking around. I listen to a lot of rock oriented music and jazz. The 803 D2’s do better with jazz than rock. Thx. 
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@james633 Thanks for your feedback. What you say about the 802 D2’s is what I was thinking I could experience from the Nautilus 802’s but guess the technology advanced that much with the diamond series? Have been avoiding the sub route but open to suggestions. Would one sub do the trick or need two? 
One sub would work but it is a pain. I have two and had both break (failed volume pots) so I had one sub for a few months as I rotated them out for repair.

After a few days of messing around I got it to sound good in the prime seat with one sub but I was always messing with the volume. The dips and peaks were bigger in my room with one sub so 30hz would be too loud and 60hz would be too soft. So song to song seemed off sometimes.

After a month or two I had two working subs again. Dropped them down and everything fell into place. More balanced and just seemed right.

You could always start with one and add another later. I am sure you could fine somewhere with a 60 day trial. Music direct ,Crutchfield, SVS has home trials too and I am sure a bunch of brands do these days.

Need to make a decision soon about moving on from my 803 D2’s for the older Nautilus 802’s. Any additional feedback? Thx.