Best Phono You've Heard Under $2200

Tube or SS, doesn't matter. Just want to know the best you've heard/owned.


@nwres  Definitely thread that up once you have it. I am on an unofficial waiting list and am very interested in the Don Sachs.

Surprised that no one has mentioned PS Audio Stellar Phono. Mine is startlingly good. I’ve only used it with coils but can’t imagine it would be less than great with MM’s.

Easy -- PS Audio Stellar phono pre.

Okay, it's $2,499, so it's a little above your ceiling. But this is the one Michael Fremer of Stereophile said should be considered by anyone planning to buy a phono pre AT ANY PRICE. And that's a guy who normally uses 5 and 6-figure phone pre's.

I bought one and compared it to my Lamm LP 2 tube phono pre -- and immediately sold the Lamm for twice the cost of the PS Stellar.

+1 Sutherland 20/20

(Sutherland told me the20/20 was the sweet spot on their price / performance curve.)