New listening room question

For sound quality purposes is there any benefit gained by installing a ceiling grid pattern? Would this serve as a “diffuser”. My room is 19’9” x 17’6” x 12’. There will be two ceiling fans symmetrically positioned and, as we are under construction, I have the ability to install some “architectural interest” to the ceiling in this room. I would only entertain this, however, if there is likely to be a qualitative sound benefit. Any opinions out there?

Also, are there any members here who can understand the physics/math behind the “sound node” calculators? Better yet, is there anyone willing to analyze my room measurements and tell me in layman’s terms what kind of issues I may expect to encounter in room interactions?


Something the S.O.. and her friends won't get the creeped out being in.

That maybe the ultimate goal though.

I'm with Jerry. Go listen to your own. The only problem is her system IS better than mine. The Miss has a really nice setup actually.. I'm workin on mine AS usual. The longest project sense the Panama Canal.. and paying the US debt..


Solid fans, attractive aesthetics, nice wooden blades, never intended to be on while listening to music. Gulf Coast…central air, for sure. Full disclosure, the room is called Man Cave on the architectural plans! Spouse well on board. Room is separate from the house (no common walls) with some sound isolation involved. 
‘Honestly, I am just trying to understand what type of issues with room interaction that I may encounter while still under construction and more easily addressed. I am on a concrete foundation with short run dedicated 20A electrical. 5/8” Sheetrock on walls and ceiling. 6” thick insulated walls. 

Further confession…I entered my room dimensions in several of the bass node calculators posted on a thread here and I have no clue what the resulting graphs mean. So I am asking if there is anyone seeing this post who knows what those graphs mean who can enter my room dimensions and tell me what the heck they mean…well I will be very grateful!

double up and use quietrock, green glue between layer….and springs…everywhere ( just kidding ). Call GIK if ya want room mode help. IF i get some freetime i will look. Do you have swarm, dsp or analog bass EQ ?