Preamp recommendations for my system please

I think it’s now time in my audio journey to find a quality preamp. A pair of JC1 monoblocks are driving Wilson Yvette. dCS Bartök is ordered and will be my digital side (with a Roon Nucleus). Luxman PD171-A with Jelco 850 tonearm and Hana ML cart, with a Channel D Lino C 2.2 phono stage, on the analog side. 


I’d like the preamp to be truly balanced. Needs two pair of balanced/XLR inputs (phono stage and steamer/DAC). Under $10K if at all possible. My short list includes:


Audio Research LS28

Audio Research Ref 6SE (used only and still probably a stretch)

Ayre Acoustics KX-5 Twenty

Backert Labs Rhythm 1.3 

Parasound JC2


You’re going to ask me what I’m looking for in a preamp. Beyond what I’ve mentioned, I honestly don’t know. I’m open to all suggestions. I appreciate the help of this forum. Thank you. 


I would be looking for features desired. Good preamps are nuetral to let the music shine through.


@arcticdeth - phono stage has balanced output and the streamer/DAC, so I need two balanced inputs on a preamplifier. Ruled out Sugden Masterclass for that reason. 

@fuzztone - thanks for your responses. The existing Dartzeel equipment is not in my budget. I searched fo any announcement of a new preamplifier, but could not find any information. Would you elaborate please?