Great song to test bass

Try this song 
"BASS Drops" by Nenad Vasilic from album Bass Room.
Great for testing bass and imaging
Actual Gavrilo's principles is good too

Ray Briwn and Co. have a lot of great recordings on Verve, Pablo, and Telarc for those loving the upright bass.

telarc's 1812 Oveture and The Great Fantasy Adventure album have so material that goes down to single digit hz if your into floor rattling and vibrating living space. 

Beck "paper tiger"

The Band "the weight" 

The Beatles "come together" 

Curtis Mayfield "New World Order" 


Jesse Cook "Beyond Borders" from the CD of the same name. I take no responsibility for damage incurred....diz.

Mannheim Steamroller[ Saving The Wild Life ] LP has plenty of low end which is tight and fast and on my Magnepan 20.1 no subs needed,plenty of low end power.