Help me choose, used but excellent cond Maggies - Maggie MG12's or SMGb's

Which is the better? I have next to no experience of Magneplanars here in the UK.
I don't know how to choose between the two - the MG12's are the newer model of the two I believe - but that might not mean better.

I want the most musical of the two.



Do you have the amplifier to support them? You are going to need some nice 200W

I had the MG12 go for them

When it comes to ampification - looking on Magnepans FAQ - there is no advice on wattage - just the amps ability to drive speakers down to 2 Ohm - and the simple and low cost NAD amps can do this (I have a NAD 325bee which falls into that category easily).

In addition to the low priced but competently designed NAD (no amp exotica needed here), I also own the Yamaha AS801 and a Croft 7 power amp. The latter Croft does not seem to fall in line being a lower powered amp, but the Croft has been designed to work well with Quad 57s and it did drive a pair of MG-1s I tried many years back very well.

And thanks for recommending the MG12.

Many amplifiers can "drive" them and no it is not only the low impedance, it is the fact that they have very low sensitivity and you need fast current for them. If you really want them to sing, give them real power.