What song have you played the most?

Not heard on the radio, but you mechanically involved with the selection. 
Poco- Rose of Cimarron

(My wife says I ruin songs.)
Schutz " Geistliche chor music."...Mauesberger interpretion....

Under 2 thousand times...More than one thousand times...

Easy to compute... I was writing each day for 4 years....

Is it song?

yes but sacred one just before Bach times...
Captain Fantastic and The Brown Dirt Cowboy - Elton John

The first vinyl I bought with my own money. 1975. New vinyl, of course,  with the original jacket and inserts, including the one sheet to join his fan club.
As of lately in this order (Song: Artist)

1. Ritual Circle: Genghis Tron
2. Shadow Play: Odonis Odonis
3. Drawn Out Like an Ache: Lorn
Let No Man Steal Your Thyme, Pentangle, 1st cut on their 1st album. I love British Folk/Rock although this is more Folk/Jazz. The group is great. Jacqui McShee is a marvelous lead singer and the recording is excellent(as long as you don't have the American Warner Brothers remastering which shows how much bad masteru=ing can destroy an excellent recording). I love the music and the performance and it quickly tells me if I'm going to like the performance of an audio system.

I don't listen to it that much because it wrenches my soul, Priscilla Herdman singing 'And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda' a song about the World War 1 battle of Gallipoli and the strongest anti war song I've ever heard. The horror depicted on the song is magnified by the contrast of the story with Herdman's beautiful voice singing in a straight forward manner. The contrast can be simply chilling.