Mismatched Dual Subwoofers

Has anyone ever tried integrating dual subs with two different subs that are different sizes? My anthem STR only has Left and Right sub outs so I assume using that will be problematic. Would love to hear other’s experiences with dual subs!
Ag insider logo xs@2xmattlathrop
Mat, it is not optimal but you can do it. I believe your STR will ping each sub individually and correct it's frequency response. Just hook one sub up to each channel, set up your microphone and go through your room control routine.
Sealed cabinets tend to start rolling off earlier than ported, but at a lower rate. All rooms have bass reinforcement, with often times the most at the higher end of the low bass, the same area where ported subs have higher output. As you go down lower though the curves often cross, with the sealed cabinet actually having greater output than ported. This accounts for hearing ported as more powerful, sealed as smoother/deeper.   

Using lots of them works so well because while each sub still has its own set of lumpy modes, its output can be lower because there are more subs and they all add together for smooth deep bass everywhere in the room. The single location limitation is a problem with using EQ, not DBA.
Is 2 subs better than 1 sub ? My problem is I have a Def tech supercube 4000, 8" with 2 8" radiators. Now they dont make it anymore Im thinking of a Rel T7x now. Will this be a problem having 2 different sub makers ? Thxs