Amplifiers in use with big Harbeths (Mon 40 series) that work very well

i thought i would poll harbeth mon 40 owners on what amps they are using with them, and which amps you may have had excellent results with in the past, if you do not happen to have it today...

if you will, please also include, which specific gen of monitor 40 you have (.1, .2, anniv, .3, xd, what have you...), and your listening room and listening triangle dimensions, thanks.

owners only, current or past, please...
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appreciate the inputs and discussion so far

the mon 40’s represent an interesting challenge for amplification... highly resolving, not super hard to drive, but hard enough that really low power amps need not apply -- moderately efficient, so doesn’t need a ton of power, but really likes more power if it is uber pure

responds well to tube beauty but with the big woofers you will certainly give up something on the low end in the trade

like many great speakers, it may have some of its own personality but it let’s you hear pretty plainly what you are driving it with, good or bad
Tried Luxman 590AXII, Hegel 390 and Line Magnetic 805ia with 30.1’s and HL5’s. Prefer the LM by a large margin. Holographic sound that the other SS amps do not offer. I’m a fan of high powered tubes!-Alex
For a non tube amp that works well with big Harbeths I would recommend Dartzeel integrated. End game amplification for end game speakers! 😃
my intent in this thread is to garner responses from users of mon 40’s only

i have super 5s and compact 7s they are rather different kettles of fish