Supply chain affecting anyone?

Just found out from my dealer that my Sonus Faber speakers won’t deliver until early January (ordered in early October). For reference, he says it normally takes 2-3 weeks. 
Labor shortages could be alleviated by immigrant labor supply, doubt that'll happen much anywhere. Look at Great Britain, brexit brought about truck driver shortages, only made it more difficult for immigrant labor. Seems to me someone needs to work and pay taxes.

And this is not simply a pandemic related issue, the pandemic only accelerated a long term trend.
Seems to me someone needs to work and pay taxes.
We are no more in this kind of "normalcy" sorry....And it is not the way this "world" work at all anymore for decades now....

Debt, work, taxes, prices,etc all that is based on a notion of what "values" and "money" and "supplies" are in relation to one another... This relation is completely broken or in bad hands control...

This is an amazing view from our chair to each one of us: the world change more in 2 years that in 50 or hundred years in the past century... the world has lived more change visible or not yet visible for us than in the last millenium cumulated years...

Only one exemple: technology evolution laws are an evolution now completely out of the human hand... WHY ? Because we put human values BEHIND power...
We are all any one of us placed between the false choice of Ray Kurzweil idea about life OR an Amish way of life....Why?

A supply chain is NOT a supply chain only , it is a playground between power and value...It is not first a technology but an ethical and moral imagination more than anything else... We forgot it , we die....

«Changes in the body are so swift it is a cadaveric body snowball chain or a complete metamorphosis of the larva»- Anonymus Smith

«Why not two of a good thing?»-Groucho Marx 🤓
It’s not just parts & electronics….two local supermarkets have not had Boars Head cold cuts for months on end due to “supply chain issues”, just the crappy store brands.   Certain store isles are almost always half empty now.   Makes you wonder how persistent the issue is and whether it’ll get worse before it gets better.  
…oh, and I forgot—ammunition.   Few days ago I tried my normal online outlets for ammunition, everything from large chains (Cabellas) to small online-only suppliers.   What I needed was NOwhere to be found.   And I looked everywhere.   Best u can hope for is an email heads-up when/if it goes off of backorder.    
Nothing could compete for lack of water....

I forget to mention climate changing conditions are also a growing factor....