Roon “performance improvements “ on Innuous Zenith 3

I just got an email from Roon about performance improvements taking place in early November.  I’m not technically inclined so their description of the improvements and the steps needed to update my Zenith 3 are a mystery to me.  It seems like whoever wrote the instructions did their best to make them incomprehensible. I’m concerned about losing access to Roon next month but I have no idea what to do.  Does anyone have a Cliffs Notes /Roon update for Dummies version of what to do (assuming I need to do something to keep access to Roon)?  Thanks in advance!
Just to add to my previous posting, I have not upgraded to Innuous Sense.  I have over 12,000 stored albums.  I plan to install Sense at some point.  Is Sense installation required to use Roon after the November improvements take place ? Is some other software installation necessary? I wish Roon would be more helpful in their instructions and recognize that not all their customers understand their technical language!
On my small green computer roon server I will have to update the operating system on the server so it will except the next roon update. Your gear may require a similar update to accept the change from roon
You can always check with Innuos support and ask them if you need to do anything special.  I also have a Salk streamer and I will need to manually update it so the Roon update will work with it.  Based on the Roon email I’m assuming my Zen will be fine (I do have the most recent Innuos Sense update installed).
The Roon update is 1.9  and they will be rolling it out sometime in Nov. 

There's a thread on the Roon forum with comments/questions about other devices and what if any software updates are needed for those. Some of your manufacturer questions may have already been answered.
