Nagaoka MP-150 vs MP-200

I recently upgraded my turntable which came with a Naga MP-150.  I like the 150, but can't help wondering how much difference a 200 stylus would make.  For anyone with experience with both, I welcome your thoughts. (Previously I had a Signet TK5e for many years, which I was happy with. Anyone happen to know what current cartridge would be closest sounding to that?)
Signet was made by Audio-Technica, so you can look at current AT models, but ML (MicroLine) stylus is superior to E (Elliptical). 
Take a look at this comparison of 11 different MM cartridges (including the MP-200 and the MP-150).

Their conclusion is that the MP-200 is worth the additional cost (although it's more expensive now than when the review was conducted).  About the MP-150, they say, "There is nothing wrong with this cartridge , but its pricing and market position make it hard to recommend. As the tagline says, it is similar to the MP-200 but you get less of everything, and it lacks the MP-200’s sweetness and magic."

Sounds like the MP-200 would be a good purchase if you like the MP-150. 

Cheers, Scott
Scott,   thanks for the link.  Just trying to figure where I'll get the most improvement for the next $ I spend, since my budget is currently limited.  Under consideration are the MP-200 stylus or upgraded NOS preamp tubes.  :)