To Biwire or not to biwire

Looking to hear from people that have biwired using one amp (not bi amping). I read a lot about - works well in a poorly designed loudspeaker, but makes it worse in a well designed one (see Coincident Speaker web site). Looking forward to comments. I am using Coincident CST speaker cable. Thanks in advance.
Right now my speakers are bi-wired and I love the sound, but I'm looking to upgrade my amp and am not sure I'll be able to to use the double runs. I spent a lot on the cables (all Kimber, 4TC for the treble and 8 for the bass) and would really like to keep what I've got. Can anyone tell me some amps that will accomodate?

Sorry if this is a silly question -- I'm fairly new to the upgrade bug...
I use Audioquest Volcano for bass and mid, Audioquest Mont Blanc for treble. I tried them with and without a jumper for extended periods of time. Without a jumper is way better than with a jumper. The clarity and musicality is far superior without the jumper. There is more, but overblown bass, when the jumper is used.
This is an old, oft- recurring, and well- explored issue.
Go scope out the numerous discussion posts here on AUDIOGON and CANUCKAUDIOMART.

Here is just one sampler :