Warmer sounding CD Players?

Are there warmer(tube like) sounding CD Players then my Music Hall 25? The detail of this cd player is incredible and bass improvement over my old player is just great but I am LP lover (I play 50-50% CD/LP) and my taste seems to lean more towards the warmer sound. I have NAD Receiver and Paradigm Studio 20v3s which are both very neutral and on the warmer side also.
I've had my Music Hall 25 w/level 1plus mods for a while but I'm thinking of trying something warmer,, Any suggestions?
Mister Jolida is mushy?? What type of 12ax7/5751 tubes were in that Jolida player..kinda curious? Because the only time I have heard the Jolida slightly mushy would be from the stock tubes. It's a common problem with some tube equiptment unfortunately...stock tubes don't them justice.
To the original poster...I second the Jolida player with some Groove tube Mullard 12ax7's. And get one of those Herbie Grunge Buster Mats for your cd's. You can get the Joida player used and if you dont like it...sell it. They sell fast. Oh and the Jolida don't need mods. :)
I would also add...out of the dozens of players out there...the Original Rega Planet is the Dullest (which might be good) player I have ever heard in my system.
I had a modified CD25. It was even way better than a stock CD25 but the way it sounded, it was hyper-detailed and gave me a digitial headache in about 20 minutes. Bel Canto DAC2 successfully cured that problem, even when I used a $60 Philips dvd player as a transport. The combo was very resolving, but with a liquid smooth presenation and not in-your-face like the CD25 is. Good luck.
The Jolida that I listened to did have stock tubes in it. It was also quite new, I'm not sure it was "burned-in".

- Eric
maybe you guys can help me too.
I've had 1985 McIntosh, 1987 Nakamichi, CAL Tersette, Audio Alchemy, 2 Yamahas then I got into the really good stuff so far.
I've had Museatecks, ARC CDT1 Krell CD1, 250CD and now a 280CD.
I love the detail, front/back, clarity, prat, and presence of the Krell I have. But I would like warmer, "more mids and upper bass" and am wondering about the Cary 303.200 or 306 or 303.300 in their S.S. mode. Mostly I'm concerned with loosing that very very clear definition. If I had a digital eq I'd just boost 1500 to 3500 (I think) by about 2db and be done.
So I guess I am asking, in the used market, at about $2500 what is the clearest moderately musical player.?
I am using an old Krell pe, and Audio Magic Stealth amps with Raven tweeters. I have a Manger driver and an NHT 12 inch on each side of the room.
Is this too "out there"?
Spiro...I would just get a Audio Mirror DAC 2...solid state...but very musical and natural sounding (non digital)..that is if you still have a transport? Or just get a transport if you dont.
If you want a all in one box...maybe check out the Rega Saturn when it becomes available???