Technics SL1210GAE + Accuphase E-480 (AD-50) + ??? (cartridge)

Looking for some great cartridge options for the Technics SL1210GAE (stock) and the Accuphase E-480 with the AD-50 phonostage.  The challenge I see is that many options like the Kiseki Purpleheart seems to want higher loading than the AD-50 is capable of (300ohms, max).  I'm looking to spend up to $4000 for a cartridge that sounds amazing.  Using Magico S5 MkII speakers.

I like authoritative bass, but a really airy midrange and treble that has a clear "ease" to it.  I like my midrange "painted" in front of me instead of coming at me.  I had heard the Purpleheart was great that way, but I'd prefer not to get into separate phonostages for a second system, hence the use of the AD-50.
Dear @solipsa : The AD-50 is not an stand alone unit it’s an Accuphase phono stgae input board and comes with 66 db of gain that’s more than enough for the ART 9XA.
As a fact Accuphase spec about says a sensitivity of 0.126mV .

It works with the OP E-480 and in this picture at the left side of the unit you can see two blanks spaces where the AD-50 goes:

Accuphase from the vintage times always been and be top class electronic designs and very high quality excecution of those designs to compete with top SS great manufacturer names.

@rauliruegas thanks for the detail! I am aware of Accuphase as an excellent manufacturer. While 66db is enough, within the context of the preamp requirements, my comment was simply that a cart of 0.2mV output will put any phononstage to the test and only the best will shine. Thats all. This may be one of the I said I have not had experience with it directly.
OP, what did you end up going with?

I have an E-480 and am wondering how the AD-50 compares with external phono preamps. I intend to go with the Technics 1200G, and possibly the ART9XI.

I couldn't really hear a large enough difference between the DAC-60 card and my Yggdrasil, so I'm assuming their AD-50 card also punches a ways above its price point...