Cary V-12 blowing capacitors


I have a pair of Cary V12 monoblocks one of which is blowing capacitors. It was initially sent in to cary as it was the 3 Amp fuses. They initially replace the capacitors and sent it back. It worked briefly and then started blowing fuses again. It went back to Carrie and this time they replaced both transformers. It did work for a couple of weeks but yesterday when I turn it on and was in the standby mode I heard a crackling noise from inside the amp and 3 amp fuse blew again. There was a large puddle of oil in the back of the amp which is from the capacitor. So it seems like something is still not repaired correctly which is causing the capacitors to blow which maybe is why the fuses are blowing. With it being to cary twice and they are not really sure what's happening has anyone else had this issue?
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I've had the amps for about 20 years and they've been working well. The other mono needed a transformer at one point but that was a isolated incident and was resolved with one repair.

I have been sending pictures as we go along. They seem to be stumped as to what's causing the issue and unfortunately it seems like they are just replacing one part after another hoping that might be it. Of course I'm no repair person and just a novice and that could me just being upset they can't repair it.
Your really need to contact Dennis Had, he founded and designed the V12. I previously owned Cary SLM 100 monoblocks, had cap issues, with Dennis' help I was able to effect repair at home. Cary had issues with Jensen copper foils in this era. Dennis still active selling SET amps on ebay, may find his email there.