One box do it all

Enough of separates. Too many boxes, too many cables, don't care for those anymore.

I am willing to get a simple box that will do for me:
- AMP driving Dynaudio special forty, at least 100W
- Pre Amp for digital and analog
- Needs to have phono input as I still do some 20% listening on those, possibly MC but can live with MM
- Streaming, has to be Roon Ready as most of the time I do Roon or Roon on top of Qobuz
- Budget 2500, can't really stretch it much more than that

Seems like Cambridge EVO 150 and Arcam SA30 fit the bill but I will not get a chance to listen to those comparatively and the reviews (the "honest" ones that I could find) are kind of OKish but several complaints on Arcam stability and not so convincing on Cambridge SQ. NAD C388 also come to mind but doesn't seem to have much of a reputation

Anyone here has had personal experience with those ?

Any alternative that I should consider ?

Thanks a lot for reading so far,

It sure is nice to have it all in one box. But you have to lower your expectations on sound quality. This is something I'm not willing to do.


ozzy, do you have any useful suggestion ? 
PS Audio sprout is 100 W on 4 ohms and only 50 on 8, so it will not do.
Anyone actually heard / used any of the above ?
Given your needs for a 'true' all in one, and your budget, don't discount going with a previous gen flagship receiver, even if you will only drive two channels. Yamaha, Marantz, etc. 
Yes, my suggestion was valid. Although I didn't offer any advice on what to buy, I did offer advice to think about what you give up in order to achieve what you say you want. Just a thought........
