CD Player Recommendations…

Looking for CD player recommendations that mate well with a Musical Fidelity A308 integrated and Revel F30 speakers. Cabling is Discovery Essential speaker cables and matching Essence interconnects. I’m thinking the player should be on the neutral to perhaps slightly recessed/relaxed mids to synergize with the A308 and F30’s more forward characteristics. 

Have you not heard of the terms "reference" or reference-grade?" 

lol I should have just said bad.

jsbach1685 OP
Thanks George for the link.

If your going CD only as the title says, look carefully at the conversion process.

For CD Redbook replay (which is PCM) 16/44 24/96 or DXD, the only dac process that convert it "bit perfect" are your "R2R Multibit" dac chips or the new discrete R2R multibit ones, (which don’t come in one box cd players that I’ve seen, only dacs)

All other "Delta Sigma" dac chip conversion processes (1bit, single bit, bitstream, ess, wofson, etc etc ) can only give a "facsimile" of PCM it can never be "bit perfect" like R2R, but they do do online streaming sacd, dsd, if your into it. (I’m not, too much compressed re-issues from them)

Cheers George
Post removed 

If you can find a good used california audio labs cd player you should try one

Yes in that list I posted in my fist post, the Cal Labs  CL-10, CL-15, and CL-20 all used the PCM1702 R2R dac chip and the PMD100 hdcd filter chip. I had 2 x CL-15's in the past great units.

Cheers George