Large Focal Speakers Shipping Service

I have an opportunity to purchase a large pair of very expensive and very heavy Focal Utopia speakers. The speakers are in California, and I am in Maryland. The seller cannot lift, package or take them anywhere to be processed. Does anyone know of a reputable shipping company that specializes in full service (Pick up, Package, and Ship) for "Hi End" audio speakers ?
If they are contracted, are they responsible for the speakers, damage, actual, safe delivery ? Thanks for your help.


1) did they supply their own packing materials and do the actual packing?

2) ship from where to where? 

if yes to the above, they may be an invaluable resource to many here if they are reasonably priced - there have been many times i have wanted larger heavy speakers across the country but was deterred specifically by this issye
I supplied a pallet, but they were happy to supply one if needed for no charge. I had the original packing. I shipped from south central virginia to upstate NY. I'm not saying it was cheap, but it was within reason.

I tried Uship but I don't like their insurance policies. They insure by the pound, not by the value. You would get pennies on the dollar should your expensive speakers be damaged or lost.


Thank you all for your responses. The seller did not have OE crates, and I was not up to shelling an additional 3k to 5k for the move. That would have defeated the purpose of the score.
Meanwhile, over the weekend, I lucked out on a pristine and complete pair of Sonus Faber Cremonas within driving distance. I know they are way different, but I owned a set of these SF's a few years back and loved them. As a result, I no longer need to pursue the complicated West to East coast trek. 
I will keep the suggestions in mind though for future reference.