Help with Shortlist of Speakers! (SF vs Devore vs Others?)

Hey everyone,

First time post but long time lurker. I've been aggressively researching and listening to speakers over the past several months and I could use some help with more experienced folks (who are not trying to sell me a product). Here are pictures of my space and dimensions. Essentially 22'X12'x11' but with an open concept into the kitchen and a hallway. A decent size space but the listening distance to speakers is relatively close. Right now I'm using a cambridge audio Azur 651w (amp) and Azur 851N (preamp/dac/streamer). I plan to upgrade the amp in the future so if the sound could be improved but is still enjoyable today I am OK with that.,,

So far I know I like a warm speaker with a visceral bass. I like to feel the music and have a very large soundstage. I do not like when the speaker is too bright or thin. The Sonus Faber Olympicas II/III and Devore Fidelity Orangutan 93/96 have caught my attention. A gentleman at the speaker shop recommended the Audio Physic Avanti but I have yet to try them out.

Given my space, what would you all recommend in terms of size? I'm torn between the SF II & III and the O/93 & O/96. I was scared off by a salesman at one of the audio shops here in San Francisco who said the Dynaudio Countour 30i (which I also liked) would be way too big for my space and really drove home the fact a bigger speaker would overpower the room. 

Anyways, would love to hear your thoughts on this and if you have any other speaker recommendations that come to mind for <$15K.


Go listen to the monitor audio Platinum 200 Gen 2 or the 300 Gen 2 you'll be how huge the soundstage is with those speakers. And how natural and life like everything is.
Tomic 601, unfortunately 2D is not very good the speakers out there that give you an incredible three-dimensional soundstage so your Larson don't cut the mustard as they say.
One of the audio shops in town also just recommended I come in and listen to the Audiovector R 3 Arrete. There doesn't seem to be as many reviews for these out there but I’d be interested to know if anyone has a take on these as well. Based on some quick research they seem like a good option for near wall placement.
@havocman a careful read of my comments might reveal that I was being generous and in ALL caps recommended other speakers be included in. the audition list. Ya, have a look at my various systems page for many speakers capable of 3D “ cut mustard “ imaging….

my 2 cents

agree heartily with recommendations for spendor classic series, larger harbeths, vandys - they have the warm full sound signature you seek AND are done right by good solid state amplification - also consider upper grahams and stirlings

i also agree that devores o series and audio notes are best driven by tube amps

proacs and spendor d series will not sound warm driven by solid state

parenthetically, i would consider your cambridge gear not quite really good solid state, but close... kinda sorta

i have not yet heard larsens nor the latest high line sonus fabers

good luck