Manufacturers past their heyday

There are many companies that we all recall from years gone by that are gone. There are some companies that while still around, seem be be past their glory days. For instant, while Conrad Johnson is still around, they just don’t seem to be nearly as relevant as they used to be. Of course, my thought on CJ are purely subjective. And yet other companies seem to be as relevant today as they were 20 of more years ago. VPI perhaps? Definitely McIntosh. 

Who are the other former high flyers that seem to be operating on an altogether different level these days? 
tomic601  Your comment misses the point.  The post does not ask why absolutely all older companies are passe.  It asks why some are.  I think that McIntosh is better than ever, but I am still not a fan.  I really lost interest when Bob Carver, Julius Siksnius, John Curl, Nelson Pass, David Hafler, and James Bongiorno, etc. entered the fray.  
It's an infinity related equation.

If a person talks long enough, they will, sooner or later, managed to have insulted everyone.