Vintage vs New

My children growing older and leaving home has allowed me to get back into our common interest. I find myself wanting a new pair of speakers and I’m torn between some vintage models that interested me in easier times, but were not obtainable due to budgetary limitations, and current models with their state of the art drivers.  Case in point: B&W 801 Matrix Anniversary vs. anything in the 702/703.
I would like to hear people’s thoughts.  

IMHO: Here's two pairs of speakers from 1981 that will indeed hold a candle to all Tekton speakers past and present models.
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There are so many wonderful sounding and beautiful pieces of vintage equipment, it's really a great way to revitalize your hobby. One of the things we've discovered at Deer Creek Audio is that putting Dirac Live room correction in the mix with high-end classic systems can bring the audio performance up to that of the latest modern designs.
Some flagship equipment from the late 80’s and on can be had at ridiculously low cost. I wouldn’t worry about recapping or reforming unless/until the unit needs it. Check out the used equipment just like you would check a used car, don’t take blanket statements that all The parts have to be updated, that’s just throwing money away. 
Can you get exceptional sound from vintage.....absolutely. 
Comparisons.......well, for cost if you compare flagship of then to flagship of now you’ll find huge depreciation makes vintage flagship super affordable.
if you compare sound quality then as stated by others, some vintage flagship was truly amazing with many examples given.  
Who cares what technologically advanced innards new equipment contains.  The work that went into vintage equipment achieved an end result package that should satisfy most anyone.  
Problem is shopping vintage will require set up and listening which is multi fold more problematic than new.
As an aside, I think it’s more fun and satisfying shopping vintage gear, just a thrill when you do find something that’s right.