Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD

Hi - I'm currently using a Rega Aethos integrated amp with my 30.2 XD speakers.  I'd appreciate your comments / recommendation for a better integrated amp.  Some friends suggest that I consider the Luxman 509II or a Moon integrated.   
Your comments are very welcome!
kw6 -- that recommendation is a very liberal definition of 'integrated amp'!  😁😁
Sorry I've been away from this site and my original post.  I thank everyone for their comments and suggestions.  I did try a Pass INT 25 integrated with my Harbeth setup (everything remained the same except for inserting the INT 25.   It did some amazing things in the midrange, where I heard instrumental passages in a symphony come to life and stand out very clearly.   There may have been more space around the instruments.  The soundstage was very wide.   But I felt that the bass wasn't as tight and forceful (as with the Rega) and that they highs weren't as transparent/extended (I don't mean bright).  So I sold it and went back to using the Rega.  In the interim I bought a Audience Forte 3 power cord and it made a substantial improvement to the sound. It's a 10 gauge cable and it seems to deliver the current the Harbeth's demand at times.  It's the best $150 I've spent in audio.  Highly recommended.  I'm still looking to upgrade my amp.  Looking at the Luxman integrateds that have been mentioned in this thread; the Gato 150.  I'm inclined to stay away from Hegel.  BTW I'm using Transparent Plus speaker and interconnects.  Recently upgraded my streamer from Bluesound Node 21 to the new Node.  A significant improvement --- highs are more transparent along with a bigger soundstage.   I would love to hear the D'agostino progression integrated with the 30.2 XDs.  I have a dealer nearby whom I might be able to arrange a borrow (He doesn't carry Harbeth).  It's an expensive amp and I'd really be pushing the budget.  Thanks again to all who replied.  I will post updates as I make progress.