London, Ontario

Anyone in London or Southwestern Ontario who's passionate about music and their systems, send me an email. If there's enough interest we can try to organize get-togethers.
I am in the Waterloo area london is not that far my system is in the virtual systems under "From The Past" Garnels
hi Guys
I am 1hr NW of London and have a couple friends in Brantford(Krell KSA250,Bryston SP1.7,9bsst,Legacy Classic,Paradigm studio 20) and Cambridge(Pass Labs,Martin Logan,JL)and I use
Krell SACD Standard,HTS 7.1,FPB 700cx,Raysonic CD128,DIY speakers with ATC mids,Volt lows,SS hi's.
Would love to chat,meet(group or one on one)
I have maybe talked to a few of you in the past and if so ""Hello again(Mike-DV60)""
We are a small bunch and it is good to meet you.
Look foreward to hearing from you.