Best Integrated Amp (for me)

I recently upgraded to a Pro-Ject Classic turntable. I currently own KEF LS50 bookshelf speakers and a Nikko NR-719 tuner (from the 1980s).

I'm interested in upgrading to a better-quality (and nicer-looking) integrated amplifier to pair with my turntable and speakers. I love things that are really simple and classic-looking (but of course I also want it to sound great). I'm looking to spend somewhere between $500-$1000.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

I have KEF LS50 Meta powered by Rotel A11 Tribute ($800).
The synergy between the two is out of this world, just shocking!
The sound is incredibly musical and pulls you in every time. 

Vista Audio Spark + Schiit Mani will do the trick nicely. (Presuming the LS50s are used near field / small space)
For the money, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better integrated for that money the the Acurus DIA100MKll is a wonderful sounding integrated with plenty of power and wonderful dynamics’s. Read the reviews.
For the money, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better integrated for that money the the Acurus DIA100MKll is a wonderful sounding integrated with plenty of power and wonderful dynamics’s. Read the reviews.

maybe 'for the money' it is ok, but i had one of these in the 90's and it and my totem 1's were so harsh sounding the system was unlistenable, proverbial bleeding ears ... i jumped ship within a month