speakers for classic receiver

Hello, I need some help matching speakers with two Sansui receivers: the 881 and the g 9000. Would the Focal Aria 936, flr standing speakers be too much stress on those receivers? I was informed that 8ohm would be best. However,  since i'm  not familiar with the technical aspects of speakers , sensitivity and ohms< I  need  assistance. The Aria specs  state they have a nominal impedance of 8ohm but a minimum low of 2.8ohm. That min. low impedance is confusing. In short, are these speakers a good match?I dont play music loudly at all and not for long periods. My room size is approx. 15 x14 x8. Both Sansui models were fully serviced ( recapped, aligned, cleaned). Thanks for any help and information.
This is a dumb thread. A great amp can power great speakers. Any great speakers. Any Classic speakers.
The Sansui’s are not great amps, though. 
Thank you for sharing all your knowledge about speakers, receivers. I will try to demo a few models that were mentioned here when I get the chance. And when I pick up the speakers that were left for me, I will be able to get a better perspective. I agree, everyone's music ear is different and higher priced doesn't always translate into better sound if the recipient cant distinguish one speaker from another. Since the receivers are older, my primary concern was if modern speakers would  overwork them or fail to delivery the appropriate sound. I see by the various opinions, there are no definite answers. Thank you again for all your assistance.
The 881 was a fine receiver for its era.  I'm not so familiar with the later G-9000.  My gut says the 881 will be more refined and somewhat lighter in the low end...the G-9000 was the successor to the very popular 9090, I think.  Both are going to make the Focal 936 sound as good as they are, by which I mean as good as the recapping will allow.  Depends on the parts used...these amps may be better than when they were originally produced, given the low ESR electrolytics and low loss poly-film caps available today.  Take the Focals and enjoy!

                         "Take the Focals and enjoy!"  +1

     Back in the day: Sansui did many more things correctly (regarding sound quality), than almost all of the Mid-FI stuff out there, outside of *somewhat harsh highs.

      Take those Focals home and listen to them, with your favorite music, for at least a couple weeks, before doing any other auditioning.

      Outside of the OHMs, I can virtually guarantee; what has been recommended *will fatigue your ears, in short order.

      If you're still planning on auditioning those other speakers, afterward: don't bother, unless they can be listened to with YOUR OWN source(s) and receivers, in your own listening room.  

                Otherwise: you won't have a clue, as to their performance at home.

                                                    Enjoy the journey!