Do any of you kids , want your system ???


I’ve experienced a buy/sell of my giant speakers

anyway, As we are an older Demographic 

2 questions: 

1) if you go to audiophile Heaven,  do any of your kids want your Hifi ?
    I asked that , over Christmas, and caught a defeating silence and laugh “ no” frickin way
    Way to big !!!  And lots of laughs over the conversation 
2) when that time comes , How does anybody get rid of all the Hifi stuff ?         Does the spouse?   Cuss you out and sell for $5 a garage sale ?   My guess; it’s a lot of work to sell correctly ?   My wife answer was enlightening!!!
It’s an ugly/funny question , But I’m really wondering how it happens

Hifi geek 

Wife will take all the Beatles, Buffett, and Louis Armstrong recordings, if only to preserve for the music she wants at HER funeral. 😁
Daughter not interested at this stage with 3 young children. A bit more with SIL. I hope as the house calms down he/she may have some interest. The real prospect is my two youngest grandkids (2+ and 1+), who always grab the toy guitar and music making toys at our house. May indoctrinate with a TT , and a large supply of cheap stylus replacements 😁
My oldest son loved my Krell, Apogee, Linn, Dynavector system from the 90’s and wanted them when I no longer did(AKA died). He preferred vinyl for serious listening. Four years ago I when I was diagnosed with a terminal illness of expected short duration I gave him my records, the Krell and the Linn plus my Chartwell LS 3/5a’s. I kept the Apogees so I could update the crossovers. But by that time my second son wanted something too so I began to build a second system that was more ‘modern’ and built around streaming and apartment living. But he loves tubes. I’ll keep that system until I really depart. Which is better? It’s a generational thing. 
I've thought about it but I think the answer is no. I can't begin to imagine trying to explain all the tweaks. 3 kids in their 30's and they all like music. My husband and I played vinyl all the time they were growing up, but none of them are critical listeners. I've still got a few Vinyl albums and 45's I listened to as a kid and others my husband and I acquired over the years. I'm afraid they'll probably all end up at goodwill. Just gifted our middle son and his wife with a Bose Wave system last Christmas. Stop laughing, they wanted it. It was an upgrade to the clock radio with CD player they'd been listening to for 10 years. So I might pass my CD collection to him. He's also into conserving energy. Can't see him running my power plant and 250 watt power amp  :)   My oldest son is in to headphones (mostly under $100) so I'd probably give him my Senns and Hifimans (both more than $1000 each). But at least he'd know and appreciate the value. I run them off of my power amp so I'm hearing 100%. His HP's are connected to his laptop with a dedicated sound card and he's happy. But I think he's more into gaming than music. I helped my daughter pick an AVR a few years back and set her up with a modest 3.1 system for HT. For music she listens from her phone. I thought about cataloging everything and what they could possibly sale it for and where.  I've got the original boxes to everything. Not sure any of them would want to go through the hassle.  Anyway selling would be an option. I'm very happy with my system, but it's my hobby, not theirs. So when I die the good thing...I'll be oblivious.