Has anyone compared the Terminator Plus to the Holo Audio May (KTE edition)?

I know each of these has been discussed separately on this forum, and I've seen comparisons between the original Terminator and the Holo Audio May.  But I haven't seen direct comparisons between the Terminator Plus (which is supposedly a substantial upgrade to the original) and the May.  So I thought I would pose the question. 
I'll be upgrading from my Chord Qutest soon (I like the Qutest a lot, but I know there's better out there), and my budget will be around 5 - 9k.  I'm interested in R2R DACs because of their supposed natural/analog sound.  And I've heard/read that these two R2R DACs punch above their price points.
Well it’s a long thread maybe you missed the comments of a couple owners of the TA including at least one member that had I believe 3 dacs at once including Denafrips.
I can’t pin point where in the thread that is though I believe it was a month ago when they chatted about their experiences,
Ok, gotcha.  I'm curious enough about it to search for that part of the thread (although it won't be 100% applicable to my situation, since the T+A DAC I am considering is going to be a newer, improved model - closer to their flagship DAC).  Thanks for the feedback.
I just had a customer do a side-by-side between the Weiss 501 DAC and a Denafrips Terminator+ and he said it wasn’t even close.  The Weiss is far better.  He does place a premium on detail and imaging vs warmth.

In addition to the Weiss 501 which is an awesome DAC, I would look at the Rockna Wavedream Edition, the Audiobyte Hydra Stack (VOX, ZAP & HUB) though the hub is delayed and even the Chord TT2 and MScaler which could be in range with a trade of the Qutest.   I think all would be a step up from the Terminator+.  
Thanks. John Atkinson was very impressed by the 501's bigger brother. I might have to add Weiss to the list.