Has anyone compared the Terminator Plus to the Holo Audio May (KTE edition)?

I know each of these has been discussed separately on this forum, and I've seen comparisons between the original Terminator and the Holo Audio May.  But I haven't seen direct comparisons between the Terminator Plus (which is supposedly a substantial upgrade to the original) and the May.  So I thought I would pose the question. 
I'll be upgrading from my Chord Qutest soon (I like the Qutest a lot, but I know there's better out there), and my budget will be around 5 - 9k.  I'm interested in R2R DACs because of their supposed natural/analog sound.  And I've heard/read that these two R2R DACs punch above their price points.
No familiarity with these, or the dac Im about to make you aware of, but it is an R2R and looks phenomenally well built

Underwood HiFi https://www.underwoodhifi.com/products/audio-gd
Thanks. Looks promising. I'm a big believer in "clean" power, so the following really piqued my interest:  "The DAC uses a regenerative power supply, (similar to a PS Power Plant)"
Post removed 
Thank you.  I might very well end up going the T+A route.  But if I do, it will likely be a newer model than the DAC8.  I emailed T+A earlier this year to ask if they had a newer model DAC in the works, and they said yes, and that it should be out in the latter half of this year.