Stereo Times review on Audio Note UK DAC 3.1/II just went live

My review for the Stereo Times website just was posted tonight. As I explain I have had in the last three years over 12 DACs in for review, ranging in price from $1,000 to $45,000. Well, the Audio Note UK DAC3.1/II was so much more musical and analog in nature that I was somewhat taken aback by its performance in my system.

For all the details regarding this DACs performance and why I purchased it after the review take a look at the review piece. If you are looking for DAC at the present time, I highly recommend you consider auditioning one of the Audio Note DACs before you purchase your next digital front end.

Teajay (Terry London)
Hey chayro,

Very well said! You and Peter K would have agreement regarding specs vs sound quality. The May Audio DAC has been in my system for comparison, along with many other DACs at different price points, it's a fine sounding piece, but not in the same league as the 3.1/II balanced DAC performance.
Mike Kay and Audio Archon are a real treasure to our hobby. And Peter Q will answer your emails promptly. Both Mike and Peter are driven by more than a profit motive as evidenced by a long line of satisfied customers.

Thanks for sharing your review. I agree with your recommendation with people should try auditioning one of the Audio Note DACs , if they can.
I'll throw Vu of Deja Vu Audio out there as another excellent dealer in general and Audio Note dealer. Excellent review Terry.

I agree with your recommendation of Vu from Deja Vu Audio as being an excellent dealer for Audio Note gear.