6922 recommendations for ARC PH7

Hi folks,

Looking to roll the tubes in my Audio Research PH7 phono pre. Looking for a recommendation for a 6299 that will extend the top end, midrange and give me a little more airiness without sacrificing the bottom end (Sorta what we are all looking for right lol) 

the  tubes I’m currently using are 4 Electro-Harmonix which sound good but they are a little laid back on the top. Very neutral sound which is a good thing, but want to try something new. My main room is not a very lively room as it is. However after testing the ARC in my living room system which is much more lively room I still am not getting the result I’m after. Dont get me wrong. Not complaining about the sound of the pre at all. I have been wanting to roll the tubes in this piece for some time now if not more than to just experiment with. Just got the itch to try something new. 

@barnettk-  btw: The reason I like to suggest that particular 6922 variant comparison; the things/aspects/sense of realism, that the author listens to and for, precisely mirror my own.       By the time I heard about that one year (1975) run of the Russian Grail, the prices were nuts.      As happy as I've been, with my sets of the early Sixties, grey shield, Siemens CCa and E188CC, gold pins: I've no regrets.      Glad I bought them all, way back when the prices weren't as salty (25+ years)         Here's a good treatise, on why the CCa designated tubes are as good as they are:    https://www.tubemuseum.org/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=SH%2DCCA%2D1963        Keep in mind, as you read that; it's all about QUIET, in a phono stage.
New tubes have arrived! WOW that was fast. I just ordered them on Wed.  Anyway just in time for the weekend. 
ratings as such:

2 tubes t1=1200 t2=10000
2 tubes t1=1200 t2=10500

so two sets of 2 perfectly matched

not to shabby at all
So here is my question. Should I stagger these for example:

socket 1 (12000-10000)
socket 2 (12000=10500)
socket 3 (12000-10000)
socket 4 (12000-10500)

or sockets 1&2 (12000-10000)
sockets 3&4 (12000-105000)

oh and correction on the post above that should read 12000, not 1200. 

not sure if it matters or not.