The new Raidho’s vs the new Borressen’s ?

Have you heard the new Raidho’s, TD4.8’s or TD4.2’s?  Reviews are over the moon !  Wondering how they compare to the new Borressen’s Z5’s or 05’s which are also receiving accolades.

I’ve used Magnepan 20.7’s for ten years now and they are great but not necessarily the best “all around” speakers.  My room is very large and the Maggie’s can’t quite fill the space completely.   I’m not unhappy with the Maggie’s but have been lusting for a top-notch dynamic box speaker for many years.  I like a BIG sound with lots of space.  
If you own the big Raidho’s or Borressen’s I’d like to hear you thoughts.  If you have heard these speakers give me your thoughts.  Thanks.
Stickman, I think you are making a mistake. If you want a big sound with lots of space you are headed in the wrong direction. Just because these speakers are big does not mean their sound is. They are point sources and acoustically they are not much larger than LS3 5A's. If you want bigger with more space and power you go for larger line sources. If your ceilings are 8 feet go for Sound Labs 845's. If they are 9 feet go for 945's.
I am intimately familiar with 20.7s. I currently own Sound Labs 8 footers. The Sound Labs are a little more efficient than the Magnepans and produce much more bass, you actually might have to turn the bass down!
They produce a better image (more defined) and do the disappearing act better than any speaker I have ever heard. If they do not go loud enough for you just add subwoofers and you can shatter your windows. You will still need at least 200 watts/channel. I use Parasound JC1's. 
The big electrostatics are too close to the Maggies in size and amplifier requirements, and overall sound character.   For my room size I’d have to go BIG on the Soundlabs.  
The bigger Raidho’s and Borressen’s can fill a larger sized room with sound and still disappear.

I wonder how reliable are Soundlabs now in the past they were not very reliable ?