Dynavector Karat 17D2 MR worth re-tip?

I have a couple of cartridges that I have had for many years that I never used and would like to send them for an inspection/re-tip if worthwhile?

Dynavector Karat 17D2 MR

This one looks promising and would also like some suggestions for a re-tipper. 
I have used SoundSmith before, but this cartridge may require someone special?

Looking forward to your posts!

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrich121
If it's like my 17D3, it's unique-ish in having a diamond cantilever that is only 17mm long, and I guess yours also has a micro-ridge stylus.  No retipper is going to be able to replicate that, let alone replace it with something like original.  If I owned it, and if I like the cartridge, I would inquire with Dynavector whether they can do it.  They have a good guy in the US.
Post removed 
I suggest you search audiogon yourself.....before being a Jerk. I did do a search previous to posting this thread... which you had also made posts to some of the threads I had read in where this cartridge had been re-tipped... so ... you should be aware that it CAN be re-tipped.
" just got back today a 17d2 and 23rs mr from Phono Cartridge Retipping. one had a missing stylus, the other a broken cantilever. both have been repaired beautifully."
Also posts by needlestein who successfully retips this cart.
My advice was to search and read previous posts about Dyna on audiogon, everything can be re-tipped, but don’t be surprised when your tip fell off or does not sound as the original, all they can do is to glue the stylus, while the original nude stylus goes through the laser etched hole in unique diamond cantilever, I have same cartridge (both versions on my pictures: diamond and ruby). On my images you can see the nude shank diamond inside the ruby and diamond cantilevers.

"Beautifully repaired" ? PLZ post a picture of your re-tipped sample using macro lens and we will see (and you will see too). If there is something inside the cantilever then it’s a part of the broken tip and new tip glued on top of it, it must be surrounded with huge amount of glue just like this re-tipped sample of the karat ruby (while the original is way different).

None of those ruby or diamond cantilevers available for any re-tippers, so they can only make Frankenstein of your cartridge using glue to mount a new stylus - this is awful compared to the original.

Re-tippers are always happy to get your money and since most of the people don’t really understand what they are doing they do post happy comments (without even direct A/B comparison of the original and re-tipped sample).

If you don’t like the truth do not blame other people.

So this is why my the answer is "NO", it’s NOT worth it.

Also if you want a premium cartridge (something special) then buy an original (or repair with the manufacturer only).

Dear @rich121  : ""  that I have had for many years that I never used.."

I think that before think in what you asked you need to mount your Dyna and after clean its stylus tip listen to it for at least 20 hours and then you will know if could need a re-tip, maybe it does not need it and the MR stylus shape is top one.

Yes, any cartridge can be re-tipped.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,