Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD

Hi - I'm currently using a Rega Aethos integrated amp with my 30.2 XD speakers.  I'd appreciate your comments / recommendation for a better integrated amp.  Some friends suggest that I consider the Luxman 509II or a Moon integrated.   
Your comments are very welcome!
I don't have experience with the Monitor 30's only the 40's and the SHL5 series. The best integrated amps I have heard with the Harbeth's are the Aesthetix Mimas and the Ayre EX-8. The Mimas was what I chose but I liked the EX-8 almost as much. The older Primare integrated i30, was good as well. I think the Belles Aria Signature may be a good fit as well. I personally did not like the Pass amp I had on my Monitor 40's but many users of the combination are very happy. Try to listen to as many as you can for yourself.

I don't like tubes with Harbeth speakers in general though my Mimas is a hybrid and there are many happy Harbeth owners using tubes. I really think SS amps bring out the best qualities of the Harbeth's.

I would however, take the advice of Monitor 30 owners as a better guide than my advice. I have never owned a pair of the 30's, the CS7's or the p3esr.

Good Luck!
there are several threads on the right amplification to drive harbeths... much has been covered

search and you shall find

short answer is upper tier refined strong solid state:

ayre, hegel, pass, upper luxman, upper naim and some others like primare i-30, sony ta-1es class a, some musical fidelity... and of course some of the megabuck units like gryphon, coda etc etc
I was able to audition them with BelCanto integrated amp class D, I Believe. To me it was one of the finest matches Ive ever listen too !