The Absurdity of it All

50-60-70 year old ears stating with certainty that what they hear is proof positive of the efficacy of analog, uber-cables, your favorite latest and greatest audio "advancement." How many rock concerts under the bridge? Did we ever wear ear protection with our chain saws? Believe what you will, but hearing degrades with age and use and abuse. To pontificate authority while relying on damaged goods is akin to the 65 year old golfer believing his new $300 putter is going to improve his game. And his game MAY get better, but it is the belief that matters. Everything matters, but the brain matters the most.

47 posts04-24-2021 5:47pmWho said anything about price? A crappy system can cost a little or a lot. Learn to read before you spout. If you can’t hear improvements between one interconnect and another, or between tubes, or power cables, I suspect that you lack the capacity to comment credibly. And dletch2, the word is "write". Illiteracy may also play a part.
It’s obvious that you don’t understand the context of what you this here forum and thread. So yeah....literacy matters.
Seriously? I am 60. Yup always used earplugs with chainsaws or gas blowers (but better to pay someone else wearing earplugs/protection to do it). Always wear earplugs riding motorcycles, racing motorcycles. But webt to a lot of rock concerts all my life before COVID and right, never wore them. But my bearing's been tested and it's still quite good. It's just like not smoking, or wearing a helmet, or any other prophylaxis, makes you healthier longer. 
I don't understand the context of what I wrote? Do you even know the appropriate application of the word "context"? "In this here forum and thread" as you put it- like a hillbilly.
Since you don't understand context with regards to this forum, here's a nice defintition for you...

48 posts
04-24-2021 7:36pm
I don't understand the context of what I wrote? Do you even know the appropriate application of the word "context"? "In this here forum and thread" as you put it- like a hillbilly.

I'm a 60 year old gay guy. I am a club DJ audio/visual engineer. I was always aware of loud music and concerts when it came to my hearing. I rarely do a rave or dance party now and my hearing range is 40 Hz to about 14 KHz. I made my own split use headphone kit so that my ears were always covered if the dance floor was near the speakers and I used a stereo amp to split cue so my left ear was cue, my right ear dance floor and I used the balance control so that the stereo image was the same. My ears ring a bit but other DJs I have to scream at to be heard. My 14 year old nephew had a hearing test and his scope was up to about 16 KHz. My point is simple. Short of becoming Borg Drones on Star Trek, we all hear sound differently. The last concert I went to was Queen. I thought the sound was perfect after all these years and it was loud but not deafening. I'm using 8 gauge speaker cable in my bedroom and if it can handle 240 volts without dying on me, it can handle 100 watts a side. I wired a 200 watt globe and used speaker cable to connect it to the mains. The cable was stone cold after about 5 hours so who's right here. I use 4 gauge cable for my two main L and R speakers on my 7.1 surround system and 8 gauge for the other 5 speakers and it all kicks serious arse. I am, however dead against engineers who roll off their EQ at 20KHz. We might not be able to hear it but why do it and I don't want to start drama about it. My whole body has aged but my hearing is, overall to me anyway, excellent. I love playing my vinyl but love CDs and other digital formats....especially Blu-ray. Opinions? 
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